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  • How to wash a silk pillowcase in a washing machine?🛌
    How to wash a silk pillowcase in 
a washing machine?🛌

Silk pillowcases have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their luxurious feel and the benefits they offer for hair and skin. While hand-washing is generally recommended for silk, it is possible to wash silk pillowcases in a washing machine with the proper precautions. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to safely and effectively wash your silk pillowcase using either hand-washing or a washing machine.

Step 1: Read the Care Instructions

Before washing your silk pillowcase, carefully read the manufacturer's provided care instructions. It is essential to follow specific guidelines to achieve the best results and avoid potential damage to the silk fabric.

Step 2: Protect Your Pillowcase

To protect your silk pillowcase during washing, place it in a specially designed mesh laundry bag or a silk pillowcase cover meant for delicate fabrics. This will prevent tangling and potential damage to the pillowcase. Before placing it in the bag or cover, turn the pillowcase inside out (with seams facing outward).

Step 3: Select the Gentle Cycle and Cold Water

If you choose to use a washing machine, set it to the gentle or delicate cycle with a low spin speed. Use cold water (up to 30 degrees Celsius) as hot or warm water can cause silk to shrink or lose its luster. Avoid using bleach or strong detergents, as they can damage the delicate silk fabric.

Step 4: Use a Gentle Silk Detergent

Add a small amount of gentle silk detergent to the washing machine. Look for a detergent specifically formulated for delicate fabrics or silk. Avoid using fabric softeners or additives that may coat the silk fibers and affect their natural properties. It is best to use a liquid detergent, as powders or capsules may damage the fabric.

Note: Do not pour the detergent directly on the silk!

Step 5: Start the Washing Cycle

Place the silk pillowcase in the laundry bag or cover and start the washing cycle. Allow the machine to complete the full cycle.

Step 6: Gentle Spin and Extra Rinse (Optional)

If your washing machine has options for a gentle spin (up to 400 rotations) or an extra rinse, consider using them to reduce excessive movement and thoroughly remove any detergent residue.

Step 7: Drying the Pillowcase

After the washing cycle is complete, carefully remove the silk pillowcase from the laundry bag or cover. Do not wring or twist the fabric. Gently squeeze out any excess water by pressing the pillowcase between two towels. Generally, with a spin speed of 400 rotations, additional drying is not necessary.

Step 8: Allow the Pillowcase to Air-Dry

Place the silk pillowcase on a soft, dry towel or hang it up to air-dry. Avoid direct sunlight or heat sources, as they can cause silk to fade or become brittle. Let the pillowcase dry completely before using or storing it.

Step 9: Ironing (Optional)

If desired, you can iron your silk pillowcase to restore its smooth and shiny appearance. Set your iron to the lowest heat suitable for silk fabrics, usually labeled "silk" or "low." Iron the pillowcase on the reverse side or use a pressing cloth/smooth fabric to prevent direct contact between the iron and the silk surface. Steaming is the best method for ironing silk.

While hand-washing is generally recommended for silk pillowcases, washing them in a machine is possible with the right precautions. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can safely clean your silk pillowcase, ensuring it retains its softness and beauty. Always refer to the manufacturer's care instructions and use the most gentle methods to maintain the long-term durability of your silk pillowcase.

Explore our collection of silk pillowcases here.

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