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  • 🚫Myths about natural cosmetics🍃

🚫Myths about natural cosmetics🍃


I was recently at the mall with Dushka stuff when I overheard a woman talking to her friend that she tried a natural face cream and it left her skin very dry. He added that it is not worth buying this brand and natural cosmetics in general.

Inspired by this situation, I thought that I would dedicate this blog to the myths of natural cosmetics and their debunking.



1. Myth: Natural cosmetics leave the skin dry!


Everyone's skin is very different and not every cream is suitable for everyone. What works for me may not work for you. In addition, we very often take a position after the first or second use, in fact you will only see results within 28 days, when your skin cells have renewed.


If one product of the brand does not suit you, it is unfair to generalize that in this case the product alone or natural cosmetics in general do not suit you. Very often we have to test different products before we find the right ones.


I can honestly say that not all Dushka products suit me, but that's completely normal, because I have sensitive skin and not all products have to suit me, each person's skin is individual.


If a particular cream left your skin dry, give it to someone whose skin is not so dry and try another cream from the brand's range or consult the seller.


2. Myth: Natural cosmetics creams are all very greasy!


Of course, I can't speak for all brands, but most natural cosmetics brands have developed formulas so that creams are pleasant and easily absorbed. Technology in the field of cosmetics is advancing faster and specialists in their field are increasingly developing better and more innovative products.

One or two bad experiences should not be a generalization for the entire "cabbage garden" of natural cosmetics.


3. Myth: Natural cosmetics cannot be colorful and smell good!


For a long time, I associated natural cosmetics with a brown creature in a jar with a malty smell.

This has been a thing of the past for a long time, like all other fields, natural cosmetics also counts. We want to believe that if a product smells like watermelon or is pink in color, then it can't be natural. In fact, the world of natural colors and aromas is growing every day.


All I have to say is, don't be afraid of color and wonderful smells!


4. Myth: I don't need cosmetics from the store, I make them myself or buy them from my neighbor!


Of course, you can put avacado on your face if it makes you feel good, but in reality it has no benefit, because the vitamins and minerals in avacado are not absorbed by your skin. It is better to make a salad from this avocado or eat it as it is, then you will get these necessary properties through digestion.

Homemade cosmetics are dangerous and you can even burn yourself. Cosmetics companies have experienced technologists who develop products and know a lot about the properties of ingredients. They know how to formulate formulas and all this is followed by a long period of testing. The composition of the products is shaken to the nearest gram.


In the case of products made by oneself or by a neighbor (unless it is a professional), there is no control at all, and often enough knowledge. Such a situation can result in allergies, skin irritation, burns, acne or some other negative experience.


Of course, a simple body scrub made at home may not hurt you too much, but I definitely do not recommend using a homemade tanning cream, it can end up with a big burn.


5.Myth: Nature ethics does not work!


I dare to argue, of course again I can't speak for all brands. It all depends on what you expect from the product. Unfortunately, no cream can remove wrinkles, they can only be intervened with cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery. Creams can smooth out or prevent wrinkles with the right active ingredients, but unfortunately, even a 500-euro cream can't completely remove emotional wrinkles. As one dermatologist said: “I believe in wrinkle creams when they can turn a raisin into a grape."

Natural cosmetics work just as well as any other cream if the right ingredients are used.

When it comes to decorative cosmetics, I would like to point out here that the effect of mineral cosmetics on the skin is much better than that of conventional cosmetics.


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